NLAFET sent several participants to PPAM 2017 (September 10-13, 2017), where they presented some of their ongoing research. Persons in bold made the presentation at the conference.
- On the Tunability of a New Hessenberg Reduction Algorithm Using Parallel Cache Assignment – Mahmoud Eljammaly, Lars Karlsson and Bo Kågström
- Blocked Algorithms for Robust Solution of Triangular Linear Systems – Carl Christian Kjelgaard Mikkelsen and Lars Karlsson
- Experiments with sparse Cholesky using a parametrized task graph implementation – Florent Lopez and Iain Duff
- A Task-Based Algorithm for Reordering the Eigenvalues of a Matrix in Real Schur Form – Mirko Myllykoski
In addition, Jack Dongarra gave one of the keynote speeches: An Overview of High Performance and a Look at Energy Saving on the Intel Knights Landing for Linear Algebra Computations