Monthly Archives: March 2020

New release of the StarNEig library

StarNEig is a new task-based parallel library for solving nonsymmetric standard and generalized eigenvalue problems. A new version (StarNEig 0.1 Beta 4) is now freely available for download from the dedicated website StarNEig is either comparable to LAPACK and ScaLAPACK or significantly faster depending on the computational step. Moreover, StarNEig realizes new parallel and blocked algorithms for computing eigenvectors… Read more »

Three new papers published

Three papers based on research completed at Umeå University during the NLAFET project were presented at the conference PPAM-2019 (Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics) in Bialystok, Poland in September 2019. They now appear as part of the peer-reviewed conference proceedings published by Springer as LNCS volume 12043. Free preprints are also available through arXiv. 1: Carl Christian Kjelgaard Mikkelsen and… Read more »